We work together with the BIA to address pertinent issues impacting our membership and community. Through our collective efforts in tackling concerns, such as securing affordable, supportive housing, and essential resources for those facing crisis situations, we foster a positive impact on the neighborhood and strengthen the unity within our community.
Ausma Malik, First Deputy Mayor of Toronto
19 Million+
Annual Visitors
Working Population
Projected Residential Population 2030
Residential Population

The BIA is dedicated to creating programs and experiences that foster moments of connection. Through strategic partnerships, community engagement, public realm enhancements, and developing innovative ways that showcase our district, we remain committed to the growth and vibrancy of our area.
Janice Solomon, Executive Director

ArtWalk engagement: 1,420 unique app users
Media impressions: 17,447,083

Total views of Seasonal Guides: 7,505
Number of businesses promoted: 381

Businesses featured in Fall Guide: 121 members

Total website views: 133,475

Views of member features: 4,426
Promotional reach on social media: 263,331

Total Online Reach: 2 Million +
Total Contesting Reach: 132,575

Email communications sent to BIA members: 116

2023 Community Events:
De-escalation Training
The Black Experience in Canadian History
Community Safety & Wellbeing Panel
ArtWalk Info Session
BIA Summer Social
BIA ArtWalk Launch Event
Safeguarding Against Organized Crime
A Safe Night Out Information Session

Working with the Toronto Police Service, we were successful in introducing the Neighbourhood Community Officer Program to our area. This initiative increased the presence of police in public spaces, enabling swift responses to safety-related concerns.

Advocacy Positions:
• Community Safety and Wellbeing
• Transportation, Transit, Mobility
• Supportive and Affordable Housing
• Commercial Taxes
• Addictions and Mental Health
• Visitor Economy

and appeal of the area.
Banners: 542
Pole Wraps: 284
Flower Baskets: 952
Deficiencies Reported: 2,500+
Hours Spent on Public Realm Maintenance: 18,000+

The City is proceeding with the John Street tender process, meeting with stakeholders monthly. The City is currently working through the design refresh, with a completion date of January 2024. Tender process is to follow once the refresh is complete
Plans for John Street include wider sidewalks, new hydro poles, special lighting, new paving treatment, flexible curbs, Wi-Fi and tree canopy.

BIA continues to work with Metrolinx, City of Toronto, and other BIAs on construction timelines and communications related to Ontario Line.
Development projects continue to grow in the Downtown West neighbourhood, and the BIA tracks applications while meeting quarterly with City of Toronto, and King-Spadina Planners.
Past Chair
Michael Emory
Sarah Turney
Vice Chair & Governance
Veronica Maggisano
Jim Aldridge
Oliver Geddes
Simon Gitalis
Lorenz Hassenstein
Maya Kane
David Kelley
Michael Manuel
Deborah Scott
Laura Weyland
Executive Director
Janice Solomon
Director, Marketing & Communications
Dana Duncanson
Director, Safety & Security
Mike Josifovic
Urban Planning Manager
Anojan Sathasivam
Communications Manager
Justine Smith
Member Relations & Administration
Hayley James
A special thank you to our Board of Directors who have dedicated their time to provide advice and expertise for the betterment of our community, as well as our BIA staff for managing the day to day operations.