BIA Members,
We are excited to announce the release of our new Growth and Development Framework, which was created in response to the unprecedented growth and development taking place in the neighbourhood over the last 15 years.
The Growth and Development Framework helps guide ongoing decisions that impact the physical environment of our community in a coordinated and strategic manner. In addition to supporting the BIA in its mandate, the Growth and Development Framework also provides benchmarks and standards for developers and sets priorities for investments in the public realm.
This document is being promoted through a number of channels including:
- Press release (Canada-wide)
- Planning-related Canadian publications
- Local news outlets
- Distribution to developers
- Distribution to City planners
- Social media
- Blog post
- BIA website
Additionally, the BIA is planning information sessions to provide an overview of the Growth and Development Framework. If you have any questions or would like attend an information session, please email us at