150-158 Pearl St.

Application Status: Decision, Approved

Address: 150-158 Pearl St. Toronto, ON

Approved to construct a 57 storey, mixed use, commercial and residential building, comprised of a 52-storey
tower atop a 6-storey podium. The project proposes 480 units (subject to final design layout) and 3,916
square metres of retail space within the podium. On-site parking is to be available in a 5-level below grade
garage, with 109 residential parking spaces.

Developer: The Conservatory Group, Soprano Developments Inc. CGIV Properties Inc.Architect: Richmond Architects Ltd.Application Type: RezoningSubmission Date: 12/26/20161 Bedroom: 2372 Bedroom: 1943 Bedroom: 39Residential Units: 460Purposed Land Use: Mixed-Use: Residential, Commercial, RetailHeight (Storeys): 57Height (Metres): 180Non-Residential GFA: 180Residential GFA: 37,551Total GFA: 41,467Last Active Date: 07/10/2019City Planner: Duncan, JohnPlanner Contact: (416) 392-1530Section 37:
