Application Status: Submitted
Address: 18 Portland St. Toronto, ON
Density Group Limited proposes to develop a 23-storey mixed-use condominum building at the southwest
corner of Portland Street and Niagara Street. The project will include 54 parking spots.
Developer: Density Group LimitedArchitect: RAW DesignApplication Type: RezoningSubmission Date: 11/10/20211 Bedroom: 672 Bedroom: 973 Bedroom: 18Residential Units: 182Purposed Land Use: Mixed-Use: Residential, Office, RetailHeight (Storeys): 23Height (Metres): 78Non-Residential GFA: 78Residential GFA: 14,460Total GFA: 17,100Last Active Date: 02/15/2022City Planner: Kimont, JoannaPlanner Contact: (416) 392-7216Section 37: