Application Status: Under Construction
Address: 533 King St. W. Toronto, ON
Currently under construction a mixed-use development of residental, office, and retail/restaurant uses:
35,637 square metres residential gross floor area; 19,072 square metres non-residential gross floor area.
The proposed building has a ‘pixilated’ design with a variable massing which includes a central couryard
and four ‘peaks’. Several heritage buildings will be incoporated into the design.
Minimum of $900,000.00 toward the commission of public art
• $3,000,000.00 for streetscape improvements on the north side of Wellington Street West between
Spadina Avenue and Portland Street and/or public realm improvements around St. Andrews Playground
and/or Brant Street. A maximum of $1,000,000.00 may also be used for the John Street Cultural
• $1,100,000.00 for the provision of new affordable housing in Alexandra Park