John Street Construction Meeting
John Street Stakeholders:
Please see below briefing notes from March 2022 meeting with the City.
Meeting Date:
March 10, 2022
Meeting attendees:
TDW BIA: Janice Solomon, Anojan Sathasivam, Dana Duncanson
City: (BIA Office) Pauline Ho, Evelyn D’Souza; (ECS) Kimmo Hamalainen, Scott Mitchell; (TS) Cassidy Ritz
THESL: Francis Szto
DPM: Mike Gentile, Charles Ozonnamdi, Nico Iozzo
Beanfield: Greg White, Glen Whittaker
- Toronto Hydro
- Currently in the final phase (from King St. to Front St.) of underground hydro work
- Rebuilding the electrical distribution system including replacement of existing electrical cables and vaults
- Toronto Hydro is working with all utility companies to move all utilities and BIA conduits into a joint utility trench
- BIA conduit required for special lighting and Wi-Fi
- BIA contractor is DPM Energy
- Phase 3 of underground hydro work (King St. to Front St.) is expected to be completed Q1 2023
- City of Toronto and Construction Contract
- Coordinating water main replacement work (Adelaide St. 2022) and Ontario Line infrastructure work (Queen St. 2022/2023)
- City tender process is pending final Toronto Hydro completion date (2022/2023)
- Following Toronto Hydro underground work and awarding contract, the construction will commence on the following:
- Above ground road reconstruction
- Road realignment
- Sidewalk widening
- Flexible curb
- Paving building face to building face
- New hydro poles
- BIA power centres and special lighting
- City is scheduling a meeting with BIA, Beanfield and DPM Energy to finalize drawings
- City is arranging monthly John St. meetings
- BIA is responsible for special lighting attached to hydro poles and the power centres along John St.
- BIA is responsible for Beanfield Wi-Fi equipment attached to hydro poles along John St.
- BIA and City must enter an MOU regarding maintenance responsibility of various assets on John St. prior to awarding construction contract
- DPM Inspection reports
- Received John St. Refresh Report.
- Cabinet to be free standing, front access; 0.3-0.6m min. offset from wall; needs to meet AODA requirements and not to impede pedestrian clearway.
- Pearl St. location: 1.5m pinch point at pedestrian clearway is not acceptable. Need to aim for 2.1m min.
- Beverly Manor location: Concrete planters will need to be relocated to accommodate new cabinet. Cabinet needs to include 1m clear and free. City to follow up on planter relocations.
- Wellington location: The City noted Fire Hall on Adelaide will be relocated to Metro Hall.
- DPM to check all cabinet locations, take site measurements and explore other options as required.
- Toronto Hydro suggested for DPM to obtain As-Built info from Entera to better assess for options.
- The City inquired about DPM’s verification for the first 2 phases since it’s built. DPM to send through inspection reports. DPM has what’s available from Entera and will update drawings. DPM suggested latering what’s existing and highlight what’s changed/requires to be changed.
- DPM to circulate site inspection report from March 2, 2022. (Received)
- For next site inspection – DPM to inspect at the trench level.
- Progress of Tender drawings
- DPM/Entera/Beanfield to coordinate on design and drawings. Virtual call in ~ 2 weeks. DPM to send out meeting dates.
- Outdoor cabinet options: DPM needs to finalize electrical design first. Will review with BIA and accommodate additional provision that the BIA needs in the cabinets.
- Toronto Hydro noted that it is acceptable to have meter inside the cabinet. Confirm with DPM for any special design/glass front requirement.
- Panel size to 400 amp.
- 2 challenge points: 1. Pearl St. with no vault to pull through; 2. Wellington.
- Beanfield re-ran all the simulations of Wi-Fi 6 model and confirmed no changes.
- DPM requested to add Entera to the next coordination meeting.
- DPM is currently reviewing the Ph.1 and 2 Entera work and provide quote update in 2 week.
- Receptacles: The BIA noted major stakeholders were consulted and they will bring their own generators. BIA look to DPM/City BIA Office for standard ad hoc plugs for small scale events. DPM advised not to go the route of larger receptacles if not needed.
- Other Items
- Ownership and Maintenance Agreement: City is coordinating with others and will provide update when available.
- Toronto Hydro is working separately with WSP. When the BIA design is complete, include in the tender package.
- Beanfield requested information for the fabrication of the street post. DPM will share the report and pole shop drawing. Beanfield noted the radio locations are much lower on the drawings.
- The City noted estimated construction period is ~2 years. Construction is not going to be this year.
- The City noted depending on traffic requirements imposed on contractor, construction period will vary.
- The BIA asked for the possibility to engage local neighbourhood to help potentially escalate the project. The City noted that all necessary municipal construction has noise exemption. City needs to check with Councillor’s office if it is permitted and agreeable.
- The BIA asked for possibility for Tridel (Ballroom/Jack Astor site) to reinstate John St design when they are done? The City noted that he had 1 prior meeting with developer.
- Next meeting: April 14, 2022 at 2pm.