
Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Track – Public Drop-In Event

POSTED ON June 11, 2018 BY Justine Smith

There will be a public drop-in event regarding switching Adelaide Street cycle track to the left side (North side). If approved, the left side cycle configuration would be applied from Bathurst Street to Parliament Street.

Meeting Details
Monday, June 25, 2018
Time: Noon to 3:00 p.m. and  4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Metro Hall, Rotunda 55 John Street

If you are unable to attend this meeting but have concerns about this change, please contact Janice Solomon at and we will bring forward your comments to the city.

The Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks, including Peter Street and Simcoe Street, were installed as a pilot project between 2014 and 2016. After installation, the cycle tracks on Richmond Street and Adelaide Street have become the highest volume cycling facilities in the City of Toronto. The cycle tracks are being monitored and evaluated before City Council decides if they will be made permanent.

Why the Change on Adelaide is Being Considered
Between York Street and Yonge Street, two large commercial business complexes on the south side have requirements for queuing and access to major truck loading docks. There are also several TTC bus stops on the south side. A new left side cycle track configuration on Adelaide Street would have the following benefits:

  •  Provide a continuous separated cycle track
  •  Eliminate the requirement for cyclists to merge with through-traffic over streetcar tracks during off peak periods between York Street and Yonge Street
  •  Eliminate conflicts between cyclists and turning trucks at major loading dock driveways on the right side (south side) between York Street and Yonge Street
  •  Eliminate conflicts between cyclists and TTC buses at bus stops
All existing left side parking and loading zones will need to be removed and replaced on the right  side, as needed and where feasible, in consultation with adjacent properties. The number of traffic lanes, bike lane width, and use of flexi-posts with planters, is expected to remain about the same, mirrored on the left side. Left-side bike lanes are only possible on one-way streets or two-way median divided streets. While this would be the first left side bike lane in Toronto, left side bike lanes can be found in many cities including Hamilton, Boston, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

Pending approval by City Council, this change in configuration would not be scheduled until after 2018, including engagement with adjacent property managers prior to implementation.

Please click here for the meeting notice.