Adelaide Construction Update – May 2024

From May 6 to May 10 (weather permitting), the contractor will resurface sections of the road on Adelaide Street. The first section will be between John Street and Simcoe Street. The second section will be between Sheppard Street and Bay Street. The third section will be between Yonge Street and Victoria Street. Attached is a street view map and overall map that outlines the areas work will be taking place.

Adelaide Street will be reduced to one eastbound vehicle lane during this work. Cyclists will be required to share the vehicle lane.

The work in the first section will look at addressing the water ponding issues in the north cycle track. Unfortunately, due to private development at Duncan Street, a temporary dedicated bike lane could not be provided. I also attached a quick screen grab, to show the work area. The work shouldn’t have any impact on any of your members. I have already spoken with the Firehall and given them a heads-up about the work.

Work on the second and third sections will involve repaving the south vehicle lane. This work will impact entrances on the south side temporarily. The contractor will have flag people on site, to help direct traffic with the impacted entrances.