Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation Plan

Spring 2024: Gardiner Expressway Lane Closures Begin

Starting as early as late March 2024 (depending on weather), the Gardiner Expressway will be reduced to two lanes in each direction between Dufferin Street and Strachan Avenue, with intermittent, additional lane reductions as required. 

Construction Details:

Work Hours: Construction will take place primarily from 7 AM to 11 PM Monday to Saturday, with occasional work from 9 AM to 5 PM on Sundays. Scheduling may vary based on the nature of the work.

Overnight Work: During overnight hours, various activities, including the shifting of traffic barriers between work stages and the delivery of materials, may take place intermittently. When structure work is required over the Exhibition GO Station, overnight construction work will be permitted when the station is not in operation in order to minimize impacts to transit users. During these times, construction impacts and noise levels are expected to be similar to daytime construction activities.

Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access on Manitoba Drive and through the Exhibition GO Station connecting Atlantic Avenue to Manitoba Drive will be maintained for the duration of the project with intermittent closures as required to allow for overhead work. This will take place during the night when the Exhibition GO Station is not in use, which typically begins half an hour after the last GO Train departs Exhibition GO Station and up to half an hour before the first GO Train arrives at Exhibition Station. During these times, signage will be posted.

Attachments: Construction Start Up Notice & Map.

For more information, click here.

Contact: 311 | | 416-338-0889