1. Toronto Marathon Road Closures
Please find attached event notice in regards to the road closures of May 7, 2023.
** NOTE: Race route is under review and subject to changes. View interactive map. 2022 Toronto Marathon Interactive Map (racepoint.ca) for updates.
John St. from Wellington St. W. to Front St. W.
Front St. W. from John St. to Bathurst St.
Bathurst St. from Front St. W. to Fort York Blvd.
Portions of Lakeshore Blvd.
Hwy. 401 – ramps to Yonge St. Southbound will be open by 10am
Road Closure Times: 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
CONTACT: Bonnie Fowler | Assistant Race Director | Running First Ltd. | bonnie@torontomarathon.com
2. Request for Summer Promotions
We represent all businesses within our district, and our mandate is to promote, improve and preserve this dynamic area of Toronto. As part of our ongoing efforts to promote our members, the BIA would like to extend the following opportunities:
Summer Promotions
The BIA is preparing Summer campaigns that will feature member events, promotions and activities to be included on our website and social media.
We are working on our Summer Guide; exploring Toronto Downtown West for great food and fun this Summer. We will be highlighting patios, cocktails, nightlife, and experiences.
Be sure to be included.
Please provide the following: A description of your promotion, event and/or activity
A high-resolution image (no text should be included in image)
The BIA promotes ongoing social contests featuring prizes from our member businesses.
Video & Photography Request
The BIA is looking for professional video, B-roll footage and photography of businesses, to be included in future promotional material.
Business Directory
We offer our hospitality members a free listing in our Business Directory.
Request to be added to the directory, or update your listing.
Wendy Lyall | Member Relations & Administration
3. Maple Leafs Playoffs Viewing Party
During Toronto Maple Leafs playoff games, Bremner Blvd, from York St to 15/25 York St, will be closed for tailgate events. Access to parking garages will be maintained.
Date of Event: April 4 to June 25, 2023 (pending postseason run)
Bremner Blvd (Full), from Lakeshore Blvd W to the east side of the parking garage (servicing 15 & 25 York St and Telus) – This area currently remains closed for the full duration of the playoffs
Bremner Blvd (Two northbound lanes), from east of York St to the west side of the parking garages – Closed from 6:00 am to 11:59 pm (Game Days Only)
**New Zone 2** Bremner Blvd (Full), from York St to Lower Simcoe St – Closed from 12 pm to 11:59 pm (Game Days Only)
NOTE: Local traffic can access Grand Trunk Crescent through Lower Simcoe Street
RSVP at info@yourexperienceawaits.ca
5. CafeTO Property Improvement Program
The CaféTO Program provides restaurants and bars in Toronto with the opportunity to access public space and expand their outdoor dining area through sidewalk cafés, curb lane cafés or patios on private property.
The CaféTO Property Improvement Program is available to owners and tenants of commercial and industrial properties in Toronto to improve the appearance and/or function of their curb lane cafes, commercial patios and sidewalk cafes. This program is funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.
Accepting applications until Friday, June 30 (or when funds are expended). For more information, click here.